Sunday, December 9, 2007

Seven Things...A Christmas version

I saw this over at Carries sight and thought it would be fun, so here goes.

  1. My family always had a real Christmas tree culled from native bushland, my husband thought this was stealing so we now have a artificial one!
  2. My mother made the best Christmas pudding known to man. It was so good, my father and I asked for it for our birthday in June one year.
  3. My mother used to let me open one gift before I went to bed on Christmas eve.
  4. We always watch "Carols by Candlelight" on Christmas eve, and possibly the repeat on Christmas day. But what good Melbournian doesn't!
  5. I always opened my Christmas presents at the foot of my parents bed on Christmas morning, carefully chosing one present at a time for each of us to open.
  6. My family have beautifully made Christmas stockings, my brother and I had pillow slips, which my mother would fill with the likes of; an orange, an apple & a banana, undies and socks, and a personal gift.(do you think my parents went through the depression & war!)
  7. I don't even know the name of my favourite Christmas movie! It is about a guy who needs to find a Christmas tree for Rockefeller Center in N.Y.C. and the story of the Nun who has grown with this tree. My Mum grew up in a convent too, so it has a personal touch!

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