Sunday, May 31, 2009


Here is a picture of the beautiful quilt
I received from Ritapizza in DQS6
I had the best time exchanging comments with Rita,
I knew from her first picture post that it was for me,
I jut had to wait....

It's taken me a while to post a pic. as we were supposed to include
ourselves in the shot
Yes I bailed, and included the girls instead!
Oh well!

Friday, May 8, 2009


and here is what we sent Teena
there is a card of green ribbon missing, and a Cherry Ripe (yum!)
The bottom left is a little doll quilt for Miss Violet

Pink & Green Swap

Her are the lovely things we received from Teena in the Pink & Green Swap
which included; home-made lavender bath salts,
green kitchen implements, beautiful pink wool, thank-you notes
a vintage apron

and a beautiful set of hand dyed silks for the girls to play with

Thank you so much Teena!


Here is the Mini I received from Fissiet/Liliane
Every element I love
It is truely GLORIOUS!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

finished, sent and received!

I've finished the little Sampler Quilt for Liliane in Luxemburg!
I just had to change 1 block which didn't suit,
I also used Perle 8 for the first time
Wow, was it easy to use, and looks really effective

And to my big girl who once again has injured herself
It's healed amazingly well in the 10 days since it happened
I can't bear looking inside
I'm pretty sure 2 teeth went through!