Well it is just about finished, only the binding and label to go, then it is off to it's new owner.
Excuse the poor quality photograph, but it is taken on my mobile phone while I await the return of my camera.
Winter was a real quandary as we could also use Christmas as our theme, there are so many options. I was going to go with the snowflake/snowman type theme, and then I thought "well this isn't really winter to me". Christmas seemed a better theme and with two little ones, I could imagine that light in the window being left on, watching for Santa.
I decided to name my Quilt 'HOPE' as this is what Christmas brings, and Winter brings the hope of regeneration in the Spring. I think you will see the star which brings,or brought hope, and the doves with their olive branches, bring the hope of peace and new life. Hope is what I have for the future and for our family.